K. Creation of the Forms of work
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Do-It-Yourself Mask
an economic way to achieve it

1. Realization of the Form of work to square and drill the "Structure"
a. Take a 21 cm by 24 cm cardboard and insert it folded in half inside the Matrix Structure and Screen, also folded in half, thus forming two sections.
b. The twelve drilling points made on a section of the Matrix are shown on the Form with a rod.
c. Keeping the sheet folded, it is perforated in correspondence with the marked rods, involving in the drilling both the layers that formed in the cardboard due to the effect of folding, so as to obtain in one go all the twenty-four holes of which the Structure Form is composed.
d. The Form for the Structure is ready.
2. Creation of the Form of work to square and drill the "Screen"
a. Take a 21 cm by 24 cm cardboard and insert it folded in half inside the Matrix Structure and Screen, also folded in half.
b. The six drilling points made on a quadrant of the Matrix are shown on the Form with a rod.
c. The cardboard-form is folded again, so as to obtain four quadrants and in such a way that the quadrant on which we have identified the six points for drilling is visible.
d. The drilling is carried out, involving in the drilling all the four layers which were formed in the cardboard due to the effect of the folds, and thus we obtain the twenty-four holes of which the Screen Form is composed.
e. The Form for the Screen is ready.
3. Creation of the Form of work to square and drill the "Pillow"
a. Take a 15 cm by 15 cm cardboard and insert it folded in half inside the Pillow Matrix, also folded in half, thus forming two sections.
b. The drilling points made on a section of the Matriz are shown on the Form with a rod.
c. Keeping the sheet folded, it is perforated in correspondence with the marked rods, involving in the perforation both the layers that formed in the cardboard due to the effect of folding, and thus we obtain all at once the eight holes of which the Pillow Form is made.
d. The Form for the Pillow is ready.

