C. Working Table
What do > Association Religious Clerical > Works of Apostolate > Do-It-Yourself Mask

Do-It-Yourself Mask
an economic way to achieve it

The mask we are dealing with consists of a support and a body, divided into three layers.
Outside there is a waterproof layer: the screen; in the centre the bearing one: the structure; inside the facial one: the pillow.
The support consists of two strings, which serve to fix the mask to the face but also to join the layers that make it up.
To make this mask, we prepared the tools and materials needed for its packaging on the work surface.
As equipment we have:
The scissor; the plier punch; three forms of work; two master forms.
The cap has been removed from the perforator, that is, the part that prevents the paper circles resulting from the puncture from falling: in this way, by perforating from bottom to top, the area in which you must work is visible.
As consumables we have:
Two overlapping tears of paper dry everything, for the structure; a plastic strip for the screen; a sheet of paper to support the realization of the screen; a paper napkin for the pillow; two strips of cotton fabric, treated with soap, for the strings.
