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Do-It-Yourself Mask
an economic way to achieve it

I am the priest Tommaso Boca, currently residing in Italy, responsible for the Family Missionary Saint Nicodemus - Association Clerical, which is based in Tshikapa, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Urged by the emergency caused by the Covid-19 virus, I also decided to propose a do-it-yourself mask packaging method: it can be made with accessible equipment and materials, both with regard to their cost and their retrieval.
In the realization of the mask I had the collaboration of my religious brother Vincenzo Versaci, whom I thank.
Hoping that the emergency, due to the free commitment of many, will blossom in the improvement of the conditions of man in his universality and in his entirety, I wish everyone to live in love and to seek the strength to do it.


It should be noted that the do-it-yourself mask does not guarantee the hermetic characteristic, which prevents the passage of the tiny droplets of a few microns expelled when speaking, coughing or sneezing; however, it can be useful in order not to disperse the vast majority of the most macroscopic droplets.
Therefore, it is not enough to prevent you from infecting someone in case you are sick, but it decreases the possibility. The mask does not even prevent one's infection: however, wearing it is the prerequisite for the other to do it too, and therefore I enjoy the benefit just said.
Remember that a mask is reusable if it can be washed at 60 degrees: in this respect, the strings of this mask are reusable when they are subjected to the required wash.