B. Equipement
What do > Association Religious Clerical > Works of Apostolate > Do-It-Yourself Mask

Do-It-Yourself Mask
an economic way to achieve it

1. Scissors to cut the paper.
2. Paper plier punch.
Failing that, it can be replaced by an iron tool with a sharp point.
3. Forms of work, on cardboard, in number of three.
A form is used to square and punch the paper dry everything, used for the structure of the template. A second to square and punch the plastic strip, used for the screen of the mask. The third to square and punch the napkin, used for the pillow of the mask.
4. Master Forms, on cardboard, in number of two.
They are used to create the forms of work and are used to make the mask; in fact, on the master forms, each hole is indicated with a letter, and in the procedure for assembling the mask, the sequence in which the holes must be crossed is indicated, for a correct stitching of the mask itself.
5. Row.
It served for the realization of the master forms and of the forms of work.
6. Pen.
It served for the realization of the master forms and of the forms of work.
Below is a detailed description of the procedure necessary for the creation of the master forms and of the forms of work.
