The Missionary Family Saint Nicodemus is a dawning Catholic missionary community, including a clerical religious institution - already constituted as public association of believers, in sight to be erect by law in diocesan religious institute, from the Bishop of Luebo (Democratic Republic of Congo) - and, as I plan, also a female religious institution and an churchly association. The inspiration of the birth of the Community, has sprung from the consideration of the life of Saint Nicodemus Abate on the Kellerana mountain, that is found in the territory of Mammola (Reggio Calabria), in Italy. This correspondent Site Web, intends to develop a function of information and cultural and religious formation, also to comply to one of the works of apostolat foreseen by the statutes of the same Community.



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Prayer to Saint John the Baptist
O glorious Saint John Baptist,
teacher of truth, prayer and penitence,
friend of Jesus and protector our,
teach us your virtues.
For all the men, especially for how much they invoke you,
you get from the Lord
the well of the soul and trust in his providence.
Help us to seek a sober and essential life, that,
in the Holy Spirit,
has to the center the communion with the Father and with the brothers,
and is light of salvation for how much they live in the evil and they are oppressed of it.
With the support of Maria Regina,
obtain, for the whole world, the respect of the human life and the peace.